DentICS is a patient & clinic management systems for Dental practitioners.
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Patient Management system
Integrated & secured solution for dentist with latest technology.
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Founded in 2009, Ciarpro Tech is involved in developing technology-driven products for small medium enterprises in the Education, Healthcare, Retail, Manufacturing and Logistics domains. Our management team has core technical competencies in managing a variety of projects in the domains of logistics, Healthcare and education in india.
We have a dedicated team of professionals having experience in software architecture & design, product development, product testing, consulting and training. As part of our overall service offerings, we provide solutions for online application development and application maintenance. We also provide consulting and training support in Technology architecture, Project & process management and eBusiness
Our aim is to work closely with our customers and prospects to assist them in effectively solving their most important business challenges through state of art technology products.
Everyone wants to hire the perfect developer - but you need a way to identify future potential front-end and back-end developers. I list this as the number one skill because being proficient here will trickle down and facilitate the other skills. It's not enough to follow the industry. Web developers must also understand their users and how they use the product.
Our senior management team has the core technical competencies in managing a variety of projects in the domains like logistics, Healthcare and banking which includes fortune 500 companies United States and Singapore. Our team has experience in Architecture & design, product development, product testing and training. As part of our overall service offerings we provide customized software products to many clients in Healthcare and Retail industries.
Jayakumar (also known as Jay Sam) has a long history of building, managing, leading, and nurturing small to large software development teams across various countries. He brings with him a huge experience of more than 24 years, across Business Management, Technology and Research & Development.
Jay has earned a Masters degree in Computer Applications. He takes care of business development, technology initiatives at CIARPRO. He loves travelling to different geographies, and does it whenever he gets time!
Uma Mageswari, the Head of Administration Uma has done Masters in Commerce. She has vast experience in Banking & Finance domains. Uma Manages the HR and Finance portfolio at CIARPRO.
We provide an innovative, trustworthy software solution to complement your most complicated business ideas.We are using core php language to develop all application and softwares and we well known about PHP, MySQL, bootstrap,java script,Angular JS, jquery, HTML5 & css.
We take pride in having highly knowledgeable, professional and friendly techs that know how to get consistent and reliable results. In the business world, time is precious and you simply can’t sit around and wait to get the support you require to be fully operational. This is why we offer assistance when you need it and can even connect to your computer remotely.
Immediate Support -
Chat with one of our expert techs either via phone or internet. We can even connect to your computer remotely.
Training & Guidance -Not all your employees will be well versed with your technology and software. When questions arise, our techs are readily available to provide them with the appropriate guidance.
Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.